MIDI3D uses a Node-based editor, whereby a value is generated through a number of connected nodes on a graph. These nodes perform operations on an input, and output the result. The results of these node chains can be outputted to MIDI through a virtual device, providing a robust system for generating desired values from your connected MIDI Glove.
There are various types of node you can add to your node graph. These include:
Click the links above, or in the sidebar, to find out more.
Using the Node editor
Right clicking anywhere on the graph's background will open the context menu, where you can select a node to create. Refer to the links above or in the sidebar for explanations as to what these nodes do.
You connect node Outputs (Yellow) to node Inputs (Blue) by clicking and dragging from the output to the input.
Left click on a node to select it. When selected, the node can be deleted by pressing the Delete button, or Command + Backspace on MacOS, on your keyboard.
Nodes can be moved around by clicking and holding the left mouse button down while the cursor is on the node.
Zoom in and out of the Node graph by scrolling up and down. Clicking the scroll wheel, or holding Left Shift and Left click on MacOS, allows you to pan and drag the node graph around.
Hold left-click to drag a box over a group of nodes, selecting multiple nodes. Pressing the delete button deletes all selected nodes. You can move the selected group of nodes by left clicking on a selected node and dragging it.
If one or more nodes are selected, left click anywhere on the background to deselect all nodes.
Creating new Graphs, Saving, Loading
At the top of the window, there are three buttons: There's a save button and an open button. MIDI3D files are saved in .mmp format.
By default, MIDI3D starts up and loads the last graph used. This is kept in the app files temporarily, and doesn't load from a save file.
- The “Save” button opens a save dialog, in order to save an .mmp file.
- the “Open” button opens a dialog to open .mmp files.
The delete button on the bottom left clears the entire graph. As the software is still in development, there are some issues that may cause instability. If the software becomes unresponsive in anyway, click that button and restart the software.