Output Nodes
Outputs to a chosen MIDI device.
MIDI NoteOn Output
Has a Note Input, and a Velocity Input. Outputs a MIDI NoteOn value, using the Note and Velocity inputs. Device and Channel can be set in this node too. Only actively outputs the MIDI values when the Enabled toggle is enabled.
MIDI CC Output
Has a CC Value Input, and a CC Number Input. Outputs a MIDI Control Change value, using the CC Value and CC Number inputs. Device and Channel can be set in this node too. Only actively outputs the MIDI values when the Enabled toggle is enabled.
Scale MIDI Output
This node outputs a pentatonic scale. You can click the Scale dropdown menu to select the scale you wish to output. Note 1-5 inputs pertain to each note of the scale. If the input value for a Note reaches below the Threshold value, that Note is sent to the chosen device and channel as a NoteOn message.